
I am a postdoctoral researcher (wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter) at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. My main interests are in moral and political philosophy, especially on topics such as liberalism, rights, legitimacy, authority, and democracy.
Previously, I was a postdoc at the University of Oslo in the PluriCourts Centre, and at the University of Virginia in the Political Philosophy, Policy & Law program. Before that, I finished a thesis on political legitimacy at the University of Oxford.
On this website, you can find information on my research and teaching, including syllabi and lots of teaching materials, as well as general guides I have written for students.
I also used to run a small blog. You can also follow me on Twitter.
If you need to contact me, send an email to mail@matthiasbrinkmann.de.
Matthias Brinkmann